Dear Reader,
Last month I'd reached a point in my writing life where I just wanted to switch off everything and the sheer weight of it all prompted this post.
I didn't know what to expect when I bared my soul so painfully and publicly. I'd just wanted to give an explanation for anyone who was curious about my current situation.
The response from you readers have been amazing. You contacted me across social media and in private messages. You shared your love for my stories.
Your words made me laugh and cry. They humbled and exalted me at the same time. Tonic to my depleted mind and soul.
Words aren't enough to explain my gratitude to you all. So I will simply say, 'Thank you.'
One overwhelming conclusion from everyone who wrote me is that they want to read Freddie Untangled. Although I'm still not 100% certain, I will bow to readers request on this.
First, I'm still taking a break. My mind is still not rejuvenated and I want to read through Freddie Untangled again before releasing it. I'm currently reading through the entire Essien series, so it will be a few weeks.
So, Freddie Untangled has been rescheduled for release on September 15, 2017.
Once again, I thank you for your patience.