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Today's snippet comes from Riding Rebel, book 3 in the Essien series. Enjoy.

Wanting more of her, so much more, he tilted his head and deepened the kiss, his mouth ravaging hers while his hands grabbed her ass cheeks. He ground his hips into her. The fingers on his skin curled in as she clutched the seams of his shirt and whimpered her surrender, returning his kiss. They both fell on the sofa, panting out of breath, him on top of her before he resealed their lips together.
Bringing his right hand around, he pulled up her dress until he could reach her panties unimpeded. He dug his index finger into the lace and tore it. Then he found what he was looking for; silky wetness made his digits slide over her pussy.
I hope you enjoyed it. Leave me a comment and check out the other Sexy Snippets this week.