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I've got more from Captive is the 4th book in the Challenge Series. And I've moved on a little from last week's snippet. In this scene, Anuli is still with the gun dealer, Bosco.
Enjoy. :D

Her pulse thumped as she exhaled in relief. “Okay. First, show me how to use the gun.”
“No wahala.” He leaned forward, picked up the weapon and showed her how to remove and load the magazine and how to release the safety catch.
Then he stood behind her, placed the gun in her right hand and showed her how to sight and take aim. She used her left hand to balance the weight of the gun in her right and to stop it from shaking.
She sucked in a deep breath. Bosco's masculine musk filled her nostrils just as his heat stroked her back, although the only place they made contact was his rough, large hand on hers. Her body trembled with want.
For those new to Nigerian Pidgin English, 'No wahala' means 'No problem'.
So what do you think? Leave me a comment.
Captive is releasing November 11 and is now available to pre-order for 99cents/99pence until release date.
Check out the other Sexy Snippets this week.