Kiru Taye

Have you ever loved someone and didn’t even know it?
That’s the dilemma facing Felix Essien when he wakes from a coma to find he is married to the most beautiful and sensual woman he’s ever known. He cannot remember her or their wedding; he who had sworn never to get married or to give his heart to another. Yet, he feels an intense bond with her that he intends to explore fully.
Ebony can’t believe her good fortune when her paper husband wakes not remembering the temporary marriage arrangement with no intimacies he’d proposed, and is now the adoring husband she’s always dreamt of.
She plans to make the most of the passion blossoming between them. However, would he still feel that way when he regains his memory and realises she’s been keeping secrets and their marriage is not what he thinks it is?
So many unanswered questions. They wouldn’t all be answered today.
“What are you doing here?” He’d ordered her to take the day off. So had his father.
“I know what you and Daddy said.” She looked away from him. “I met up with my friend for lunch and I enjoyed being pampered at the spa. But I’ve been here every day since you’ve been hospitalised and it felt strange not seeing you.”
“But the chair...you shouldn’t sleep in it.”
Shoulders rose and fell as she looked up at him through her long, dark lashes.
“When I arrived, you were asleep, so I decided to read. I didn’t realise I was so tired. I just drifted to sleep.” She bit her bottom lip, drawing his attention to it.
The need to kiss her overpowered him. On impulse, he settled a hand on her back, pulling her close. With the other, he lifted her chin and lowered his head to meet hers.
Muscles on her back tensed. He massaged her skin like he would a skittish horse before a game of polo. With gentle brushes, he swept his lips across hers. The sealed, luscious pair called him to mine their depths. Instead, he coaxed and stroked and traced them with his tongue from one end to the other, bidding his time.
He’d caught a glimpse of her banked passion yesterday when he asked about their wedding night. No matter what else went on, they desired each other. Mutual attraction.
With a low moan, she leaned in and opened for him.
As he slipped in, her sweet flavour exploded on his tongue. She tasted of peppermint and vanilla. In the recesses of his mind, the kiss registered. He’d done this before. Tasted her.
A groan rumbled within and he slid his hands around her waist and lifted her onto his lap so that she straddled him.
Whimpering, she rubbed against him, hips canting against hips, supple breasts crushed to his chest.
Needing intimate contact, he ran a palm over her side, skimming the swell of soft breasts down to the hem of her tunic. He lifted it, his hand making contact with smooth, warm skin. Another moan escaped her lips. He swallowed it, loving her sound and taste. Moving his hand up till it reached her breast, he caressed it through the lace of her bra, flicking the already taut nipple with his thumb.
In response, she ground against his bulge.
Sweet fuck!