Kiru Taye
She only tumbled further into the abyss #RHOSaene #FridayReads
Tall like an iroko tree, built like an armoured tank #ThrustyThursday #RHOSaene
There was no need for tactfulness amongst close friends #RHOSaene #MidWeekTease
Will the ring on her finger make her happy #RHOSaene #TeaserTuesday
Love-hate relationship with her boss | Chapter Two Part Two from Bound to Favor #ComingSoon
Shocked by the chaos | Chapter Two Part One from Bound to Favor #AARomance
Breaking down barriers | Chapter One Part Two from Bound to Favor #AARomance #AmReading
Read Chapter One from Bound to Favor #ComingSoon #MidWeekTease
Read the full chapter one from Freddie Entangled #AARomance #Suspense
Freddie Entangled - Chapter One: Part 5 #Romance #Africa
Freddie Entangled - Chapter One: Part 4 #AARomance #Africa
Freddie Entangled - Chapter One: Part 3 #MidWeekTease #Romance #Africa
Freddie Entangled - Chapter One: Part 2 #TeaserTuesday #amreading #Giveaway
Freddie Entangled - Chapter One: Part One #amreading #tbrlist
#FridayFreebie #FridayReads Valentine (Challenge series #1) #contemporaryromance
He waited outside, ready to confront his future #TeaserTuesday #AmReading Bound To Passion - Chapter